Random stuff
Hello and welcome to my misc page. This is where I share some of the things that I have created or worked on in my spare time. You will find a variety of stuff here, from hobbies, skills to writing to just random stuff. Some of these are things that I am proud of, some are experiments that I learned from, and some are just for fun. I hope you enjoy exploring this page and discovering more about me and my interests. Feel free to leave me a feedback or a suggestion if you like.
This is a collection of things I learned today. Technical and non-technical.
Notion Page LinkThis is a collection of links that I find useful. It includes new tools, some of my favorite websites, and more.
Notion Page LinkI created this Instagram account to post coding related content, which I don't know why I have kept on. I occasionally post some content over there
LinkThe previous portfolio, which I made in 2019.
LinkI don't know why I made this, but I did.