Internship + Full Time at Simform Solutions
Aug 2021 - Jul 2023
Friends at Simform (Mini farewell)
Friends at Simform (Mini farewell)
Brief Information

I joined Simform Solutions, on 6 Dec 2021 as an intern and then joined as a full-time employee in July 2022. It is my first company as a full time developer. The process was seamless from intern to full-time, and the people here are like a family. I really enjoy what I love to do, which is developing software which are useful for end users.

Duties and Responsibilities

In my internship, I got a training regarding web development and the framework React. I learned how to create user interfaces, components in React and state management in Redux. I also learned how to use tools like Git, VS Code, and Chrome DevTools for web development.

After joining as a full-time employee, I was assigned to an internal project in which I worked on technologies like Next.js, GraphQL, etc. Next.js is a React framework that enables server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes. GraphQL is a query language and a runtime for fetching and updating data from a server. I was responsible for developing the front-end of the project using Next.js and Apollo client which is a state management library for Javascript with GraphQL.

What I Learned

I learned a lot of technical and non-technical skills during my internship and full-time job at Simform.

Some of the technical skills I learned are:

  • How to use React hooks, custom hooks, and context API for state management.
  • How to use Next.js features like dynamic routing, image optimization, and incremental static regeneration.
  • How to use GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions, and schema stitching for data fetching and manipulation.
  • How to use Apollo Client for integrating GraphQL with React.

Some of the non-technical skills I learned are:

  • How to communicate effectively with the team members.
  • How to follow the coding standards and best practices for writing clean and maintainable code.
  • How to debug and troubleshoot issues using various methods and tools.
  • How to learn new technologies and frameworks quickly and efficiently.

Technologies I have used

The main technology stack used for the internal project was:

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Next.js: A React framework for server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes.
  • GraphQL: A query language and a runtime for fetching and updating data from a server.
  • Apollo Client: A library for integrating GraphQL with React.
  • Ant Design: React UI library with a set of high-quality React components
  • Jest: A JavaScript testing framework.
  • React Testing Library: A library for testing React components.


My internship and full-time job at Simform were very rewarding and enriching experiences. I gained valuable knowledge and skills in web development, especially in React, Next.js, and GraphQL. I also improved my communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills by working in team. I am grateful for the opportunity to work at Simform and contribute to their mission of solving complex software engineering problems.